The personal website of Grace and Jason Rhee

Tag: sigma nu

  • U of M Homecoming in Ann Arbor

    U of M Homecoming in Ann Arbor


    Jon and Greg have been trying to rally everyone to Homecoming for a few years. This year turned out to be the year (it doesn’t hurt that we finally had a good chance of winning too). Jon may have oversold it a bit with talk of a barn dance, carnival rides, petting zoo, etc. His…

  • First game in over a decade. #goblue


    First game in over a decade. Thanks @greglobdell for the amazing seat! #goblue A post shared by Jason Rhee (@jasonrhee) on Oct 22, 2016 at 12:41pm PDT

  • BBB with the Michigan Crew

    BBB with the Michigan Crew


    It’s been a while since we’ve had the whole Michigan crew together so we invited everyone over for a potluck turned Bi-Bim-Bop fest. By everyone, I mean honorary Wolverines, Emily (proud Buckeye) and O’Brien, too. Due to weekend sports, May snow on I-80, etc., we were missing some folks. However, Jin-Hong happened to be in town and…

  • Annual U of M Friends Holiday Dinner at Evvia

    Annual U of M Friends Holiday Dinner at Evvia


    This year, the Michigan gang met for dinner at Evvia in Palo Alto for our annual holiday dinner and white elephant gift exchange. Dinner was delightful and the gift exchange was played fast and loose, as usual. Always a great time with old friends.

  • Michigan vs. Utah Game

    Michigan vs. Utah Game


    The team converged on Salt Lake City for a surgical strike to see the inaugural Harbaugh-era Michigan game. Were my expectations too high? Probably. Was I hopeful for a win? Definitely. Was I disappointed in the outcome? Indeed. However, being with old friends and new took the sting out of the final score. It was…

  • End of Summer BBQ at Amy and Grady’s

    End of Summer BBQ at Amy and Grady’s


    Amy and Grady invited everyone over for an end-of-summer BBQ on August 30th. We met new friends and enjoyed some delicious BBQ beef. The kids are all getting bigger and faster. What a great way to spend the last day of summer before the start of school for our kids. Thanks for having us, Burnetts!

  • Memorial Day with the Michigan Gang

    Memorial Day with the Michigan Gang


    Jen and Michael invited the Michigan crew over to their house for Memorial Day. Unfortunately, Michael got stuck in Australia, so Samantha and Jen were our fabulous hosts. If the scene looks familiar, it’s because they took over the Idema’s old pad, which is a pretty spectacular spot to spend a holiday (or any day).…

  • Staycation and Superbowl with Michigan Dads

    Staycation and Superbowl with Michigan Dads


    The Michigan dads decided to have a staycation with the kids last weekend. The moms went to Napa to do who knows what. We met at Delfina on Friday for dinner. On Saturday, Posse invited us over for some steaks and hot dogs. On Superbowl Sunday, everyone came over to our place for pizza night.…

  • Holiday Bi Bim Bop with the Michigan Kids

    Holiday Bi Bim Bop with the Michigan Kids


    Grace called an audible with the Michigan gang for a “casual dinner.” Really it was a jump start on putting on the holiday lbs. Somehow it morphed into Korean food with a bi bim bop option. There were more photos, but it was mostly of chewing. Happy holidays and GO BLUE!

  • Michigan Holiday Party at the Burnetts

    Michigan Holiday Party at the Burnetts


    Last Friday, Amy and Grady hosted our annual holiday dinner and white elephant gift exchange. Two years ago, it was a smaller gathering and was quite civilized. The rules were clear. The ladies exchanged “nice” gifts and the guys exchanged “fun” gifts. Last year, we had dinner out in the city. Somehow, the Thornes moved…