The personal website of Grace and Jason Rhee

San Diego Zoo with Feles and Abrams Families


On Thursday, we met up with Laura, Chris and Cooper at the San Diego Zoo. It was hot. Lucas might have sweated out half his body weight in his stroller – poor guy. He called someone to complain. We were hoping the polar bear exhibit was cool, but it wasn’t. Olivia and Grace rode the cable car with Eve and Nick across the zoo to the exit. Melanie and I strollered the little guys back. There were a couple escalators to make the trek easier, but Mel’s double stroller wouldn’t fit. The hike up the hill was my exercise for the year.

All of us had seen enough, except Olivia, who insisted we see tigers and toucans. We went back in search of both and after barely seeing the tiger, we ended up on the other end of the zoo again. We convinced her that some other large-beaked bird was a toucan. This time we did take advantage of the escalators, but it was still a hike.

On the way out, Olivia reminded us that we did not see any giraffes. She was right. We continued to hear about it all the way back to the car, and even a little bit the next day. Now we have a reason to go back.

Seriously, impressive zoo (though Nick said the Detroit Zoo’s polar bear exhibit kicked this zoo’s exhibit’s ass).